1 John – Visible Birthmarks

From the Series: Certainty – Absolute Truths That Bring Joyful Assurance



Any truth claim must be examined to determine if belief in that truth claim will cause me to not believe in the fullness of who Jesus Christ is.

For example, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh to the Father, but by me.” Any truth claim that says there are other ways to the Father is a claim that would call me away from believing in the fullness of who Jesus is.

The truth claims of secular humanists call you to believe in the goodness and sufficiency of mankind. The truth claims of conservative fear-mongers call you to fear men over fear of God. The truth claims of Social Justice celebrity warriors call you to believe in their reality or truth based on their experience. To fully accept what they are saying and implying, we would not be able to accept the fullness of the objective truth of Jesus. We mustn’t be confused by all of the voices around us. We must allow the scripture to tell us if we are born again and to give us discernment about those who are not born again.

When Someone Is Born Again, They Are Not Invisible (1 John 2:28-29)

The Holy Spirit’s teaching is clear. (v.28)

When there is genuine trust in Jesus Christ, one of the evidences is that the Holy Spirit indwells you, not only bringing new life, but also recharging and sustaining that life with the same electrifying message: Jesus is the Christ.

The Holy Spirit’s lesson is visible in the life of a true Christian. (v.29)

Those who are truly born of God manifest righteous living, a visible birthmark, because of their true knowledge of the righteous One.

The visible evidence of the new birth:

  • Eliminates nominal, changeless Christianity.
  • Eliminates cheapened evangelism.
  • Confirms the role of the Christian church affirming or un-affirming Christian professions.

When Someone Is Born Again, They Do Not Remain Stagnant [there is humble, hope-filled growth] (1 John 3:1)

The new birth is to be an overwhelming reality.

Christianity is not just a set of theological truths, but there is the felt reality that follows these truths. Do you sense the privilege of this great love?

The love of the Father is a humbling reality.

It is a love that is bestowed upon us by God. We do not earn or deserve it. Do you feel humility in your soul—a humility that is produced by an unmerited love?

There is a distinct [lack of] relationship between a child of God and the world.

There is a distinct difference between Jesus who lived a life in the world but who was not in relation to the world. Jesus was not in harmonious relationship with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, nor the pride in one’s status or possessions. In like manner, there is a distinct demarcation between Jesus’ brethren and the world.

Future hope is seen in current progress. (1 John 3:2-3)

We are not only called the sons of God, but this is a true, present identity. Those who have this hope pursue holiness. They seek to live a dedicated life.

The visible evidence of the new birth:

  • Eliminates angry, loveless Christianity.
  • Eliminates pompous, haughty, non-humble Christianity.
  • Confirms hope-filled, progressive Christlikeness.

Proof of life is evident in what you currently believe and how you are currently progressing. According to the scripture, are you a child of God? Christian, when you hear of God’s love, when the Holy Spirit confirms again within your heart that Jesus is the Christ, when you battle to live a holy, sanctified life, when you find yourself like the lone one out in a world that is motived by fornication, covetousness, and image—your assurance should receive a boost. These are the visible birthmarks of the sons of God.

Is your identity based on the truth of scripture or on a cultural teaching?

If you are a child of God, are you observing these evidences and finding confidence in Christ’s work in you? Are you committed to a local body for accountability? How has the hope of Jesus’ return shaped your life? What righteousness is evident in your life? Is your identity based on the truth of scripture or on a cultural teaching? Do you love Jesus? Do you love one another?

Read the full transcript of the sermon here.


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