Liberating Truth Counseling
We are privileged to offer gospel-centered counseling services with certified Biblical Counselors. Contact the church office for more information.
Members Helping Members
This ministry encourages and facilitates members of GBC to help other members of the body with specific needs. This may involve a wide range of areas: skilled trades, emergency needs, or unusual circumstances requiring benevolence.
Seasoned Saints
This energetic group of those 55+ years of age meets regularly for a fellowship in the Word and ministry to Shut-ins and other members of the body.
Shut-in Ministry
Grace Baptist Church has the privilege of ministering to church members who are no longer able to join our services in person.
Grace Memorial Gardens
Our private cemetery was designed for GBC members and family relations. It is regularly manicured and constantly cared for so those who come to reminisce may cherish the memory of loved ones for years to come.