Mom Life: One of God’s Greatest Ministries Is Being a “Mom”



There are many important, loving people in a child’s life; however, since I am a mom, we will approach this subject from that point of view.

Regardless of whether you are an adopting mom, foster mom, step-mom or biological mom, everything said here will relate to you.

So, a little about me……

I remember very well hearing those longed-for words from the doctor, “Yes, you are pregnant!” Wow! How exciting, after six years of struggling to have children, I could finally tell my husband this great news! We were beyond happy.

To be totally honest, I had times of doubt, because of the many years of tests and disappointments. Was it really true? I felt the same as before, but wait!  The moment I felt our baby move, I was completely overwhelmed with an amazing feeling of love for this little one–the love of a “mom.”

Have you ever said or thought, “I’m just a mom”?  Read through the list below, and you will proudly say, “I AM A MOM!

Here we go:

ACCOUNTANT, PERSONAL SHOPPER, CEO, MEDIATOR, HOUSEKEEPER, GROCERY SHOPPER, NURSE,  PROTECTOR, LAUNDRESS, BAKER, COOK, FRIEND, DISHWASHER, TEACHER, SECURITY GUARD, NURTURER, PSYCHOLOGIST, JOURNALIST, PARTY PLANNER, HOSTESS, SPIRITUAL ADVISOR, CHAUFFEUR, SECRETARY, PHOTOGRAPHER, JUDGE, REFEREE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY, PERSONAL ASSISTANT, MEAL PLANNER, ORGANIZER, ENTERTAINER, MIND READER, INVESTIGATOR, PROBLEM SOLVER, HAIRDRESSER, TRANSLATOR, TRAVEL AGENT, BARGAIN HUNTER, LIFEGUARD, …the list probably could go on. Let me add my favorite: PRAYER WARRIOR. Quite a list, right? This list describes a very unique person group: moms/homemakers. Whether you are a stay-at-home or working mom, you are in this list. You may be beginning your journey with your little one, but just wait, you’ll see. You are very important people!

What a special blessing God has placed in our lives; but will everything be smooth sailing, problem-free, no overwhelming moments? ABSOLUTELY NOT.  There will be good days and not-so-good days, times when we wonder if we are doing anything right. (Believe me, I know). God equips us with naturally instinctive “tools for the job.” He also places those in our lives we can turn to: husband, family, friends, pastors’ wives.

We want to be the best for our children […] But God has a better plan for all of us.

Bottom line is we want to be the best for our children, so we pour our lives into them and teach them to be the best they can be. But God has a better plan for all of us to be the best we can be. That begins with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Christ loved us enough to go to the Cross and pay the debt (penalty) for the sins of the world.

Just as we love our children, God loves them so much more.


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