Motherhood: An Identity Crisis



We are created in the image of God. Our lives are designed to reflect—to image—pure perfection: the Creator Himself. The human identity was always intended to be found in Him.

The curse of sin has ruined many things for mothers—we experience infertility, miscarriage, difficulties in childbirth, heartbreak, death, and so much more—but one of its most devastating effects is the corruption of how we perceive identity and worth. Though we were meant to be God’s, sin tricks us into believing that we are better on our own. We forget Whom we were created to image. We forget where our true and better identity lies.

Sin may prevent us from perfectly reflecting our Creator in this life; but when we believe Christ in repentance and faith, His transforming work is able to salvage glimpses of His glorious image in us—even on our most ordinary days.

So, Momma—remember who you really are.

To the mother who has lost her identity:

Your once-prioritized dreams lie buried deep beneath diapers, nap schedules, athletic events, schoolwork, and never-ending requests for more snacks. The drudgery of the mundane induces a zombie-like resignation to your family’s needs, and you lifelessly go through the motions with little or no joy.

Momma—find yourself in Jesus, who gladly laid down His life for yours. You will image His selfless sacrifice as you joyfully lay down your own life in this season of service to your family.

To the mother who has too many identities:

You juggle your mom hat with your career hat, your social hat, your hobby hat, and your fill-in-the-blank hat—but this balancing act is unsustainable, and you end up dropping hats left and right. The only hats you really seem to keep up with are your guilt and shame hats.

Momma—rest in the only One who is able to do it all. In fact, He already did it all. You will image His finished work of salvation as you rest in the freedom He offers: freedom to remove the unnecessary, to lay aside the expectations of others, and to acknowledge—as you rest—that God is God, and you are not. 

To the mother who has her identity figured out:

You pride yourself in your ability to manage the bubble you have carefully crafted for your family; but if some unthinkable event were to pop that precious bubble, your entire identity would be crushed—overwhelmed by despair, depression, and emotional breakdown.

Momma—Jesus is better. When your seemingly-perfect world falls apart, He remains, in true perfection and glory. Look for your value and identity in Christ’s performance—not your own—and nothing can shake you.

“The only esteem that will suffice
is one that is rooted in Jesus Christ.”
Max Fernandez

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:2


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