New Pastor – Donnie Sixt

To our members and those that faithfully serve in all our ministries at Grace Baptist Church, I come with some exciting news.

On Sunday, November 26th the membership of Grace Baptist Church voted overwhelmingly to appoint Donnie Sixt as the Pastor of Grace Baptist Church. Donnie has been a missionary to Sweden over the past few years but felt the Lord leading him back to the United States for various family related reasons. He was born and raised in Middletown, Ohio and surrendered himself to the ministry not long after high school. He and his wife Beverly have four children and reside in Middletown, Ohio. Donnie felt the calling of the Lord to Grace as our leadership team began the search for a full-time pastor. Little did we know that the Lord was simultaneously working in the hearts of those in the Pulpit Committee and that of Donnie and his wife.

Sixt Family
I hope and trust that you will take the time to talk with Donnie and Beverly as I know they are excited about the path the Lord has brought them down. While we still have much work ahead of us, the wonderful spirit we have experienced before and after each service has been amazing. Our church has been through some difficult situations in the past 12 months. While we cherish the fellowship we have today, we miss and love those that we served and worshipped with in the past. We place our trust and faith in the Lord, and that His will might be done in all the lives that have been impacted by his work at Grace Baptist Church. Proverbs 3:5-6 says it best, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths”

As we trust the Lord in salvation, we can surely trust him in all things including the leading of GBC. Sometimes we may not be able to understand, but we know He does. Let’s continue to acknowledge him, so our paths may be clear and moving in the direction he would have us go! Thanks for your faithfulness in serving, and may our Lord continue to bless all of you!

Michael French
Chairman of the Deacons