Remembering Christ in My Bible Reading



A few years ago, I gave several lessons regarding scripture study and interpretation. As part of those lessons there were questions which I encouraged the church family to ask each time they read the Bible. Here is a sample that may be of help to you.


TEXT: ISAIAH 43:1–13

What is he saying?

  • The LORD commands his people to not fear, because He is with them. These verses also really show the uniqueness and exclusivity of God – or why there is no reason to fear.

Why is he saying this?

  • It appears that the passage is referring to a time of regathering those who were exiled to Babylon. This could be a reference to a post-exilic time.

What is the principle?

  • If we have this LORD, there is no reason to fear.

How does it apply?

  • There is no reason to fear if the Lord is with me. Don’t fear.

Where is Christ?

  • First, there is the fallen condition that I am prone to fear that which I don’t have control over. Only Christ ever had perfect trust in His Father, and he enables/allows me to have this kind of trust in the Lord.
  • Second, where Israel failed in the imperatives of these commands, Christ did not fail.
  • Third, Christ is the One who makes it possible to have the ever-abiding presence of the Lord with us–through His Spirit.
  • Fourth, the ever-abiding presence of Christ is for the purpose of God’s glory through mission–having commissioned them, Jesus said, “Lo, I am with you alway...”


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